Keeping your starting soldiers alive for as long as possible will allow you to build up your other soldiers to comparable levels. All other recruits start off at the bottom of the barrel. Keep the starting troops alive: Your 10 starting soldiers are unique in that they start off all promoted and have slightly increased stats.Keep enough troops for the helicopter: At all times in the early game, you should maintain at least eight soldiers on hand, and make sure they are actually in the helicopter before sending it out only to discover that two people are in it.
Here's how to keep a grip of your situation. Unfortunately, trying to fight off the alien invasion is an extremely costly endeavor, and you will find yourself scraping the bottom of the barrel sooner rather than later. It gets worse, but for now things are manageable. Meaning: when you do get access to laser weapons you will know exactly what kind of weapons to manufacture. This affords you the opportunity to establish a preferred squad loadout before getting access to more advanced and expensive weapons.Any weapon is viable under the right circumstances. Every item is useful, unlike most prior X-com games.
What this means is that you're free to mix and match any weapon and equipment combination at will, which lets you customize your squad's equipment with ease.Organize your inventory: Fortunately for the Xenonauts, you have immediate access to an unlimited quantity of ballistic firearms and equipment, and all that pesky inventory management and stock taking is organized by your dutiful quartermaster.Ranking up as many Soldiers as you can will mean you'll have more good soldiers to spare. Rotate your Soldiers, having only a small group of Majors and a bunch of Privates to the side will only hurt you in the long run.A good rule of thumb: If any soldier has any stat under 40, don't recruit them.However, both of these stats level up naturally and easily. Strength and Health are also important to note, strength is needed for specialist soldiers (Snipers, Machine gunners, Rocket Launchers), while additional health can make the difference between a one shot death and limping back to the drop ship.While accuracy and reflexes level up naturally, bravery will only increase if your soldiers fail to defend against psionic attacks or get medals, making it the hardest stat to increase. Having your men not go berserk after one psychic attack, and to be able to actually hit a target, are paramount. The stats most important to you are bravery, accuracy and reflexes in that order.Generally having around 12 to 16 soldiers in total is a good number. Be sure to keep a healthy reserve of soldiers on stand by. Soldiers turnover rate can be extremely high, especially in the beginning.Nonetheless you'll want to personally inspect their stats to determine their roles and job prospects. Review the troops: Your organization employs the "best of the best".